Mannington Church of Christ

Our Minster
Dr. Michael P. Reese (Mike)
Mike has been preaching the Gospel at Mannington since 1989. He earned his Ed.D in 2010 and teaches online courses for Amridge University. He also serves as the coordinator of the Kenya School of Preaching in Africa. On his days off he likes to hunt, fish and golf.
Pete is retired from the Hastings Extraction Plant. He likes to work on restoring his house and going to WVU football games.
Steve is retired from FCX Systems and is a member of the Fairview Community Band.

Pete Cole
Our Elders

Steve Yoho
Our Deacons

Denny Efaw
Food Pantry and HUSH Puppy Program

Chris Funkhouser
Heating and Air Conditioning/Youth

John Hanne
Inside Maintenance

Jim Heldreth
Maintenance/communion to shut ins/Cards for Monday Night For the Master

Josh Heldreth
Youth/Youth Devotionals/Benevolence

Brian Kuhn

Flint Leichliter
Electrical Maintenance/
Scheduling those who serve

Steve Martonosi
Youth/Youth Devotionals/

A. J. Salerno
Greeting visitors/Youth/
Scheduling song leaders
"Making more and better disciples of Jesus who love God, love people and serve the world" is the mission statement and driving force of the Mannington Church of Christ.
On one occasion Jesus was asked, "which is the greatest commandment?" Jesus' answer was plain, "You shall love the Lord with all you heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:36-37). One evidence of loving God is following His priciples for life, " Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments (1 John 2:3). At the Mannington Church of Christ we have a strong emphasis on learning God's word as a means to a God centered life.
Jesus also gave us the second greatest command, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). We love people at the Mannington Church of Christ. From the warm friendly atmosphere at worship to outreach into the community we share the love of Jesus with all.
We serve the world because Jesus served us. Greatness is found in service, "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant." (Matthew 23:11) The world is as close as our monthly clothing give aways and is as far reaching as the preacher training school, Christian school, youth camp and mission work we support in Kenya, East Africa.
At the Mannington Church of Christ we believe individuals, the home and all of society would be much better by being dedicated followers of Jesus and living by the principles He taught. We have a strong conviction that Jesus is truly the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).
If you are looking for a place where you can love God, love people and serve the world - welcome to the Mannington Church of Christ.
Michael P. Reese, Ed.D.